The majority of women experience a natural menopause (sometimes called the ‘change of life’) when their periods finish, usually around the age of 51 years. During the years when women are having periods, the ovaries produce eggs and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. As women approach the menopause, there are few remaining eggs in the ovaries and those that remain are less likely to develop. Fewer eggs are released and less of the hormones are produced, until the ovaries finally stop working and periods stop. Sometimes the menopause is accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms are caused by fluctuating and lower levels of estrogen.

In a recent survey 95% of women said they would try alternative therapies before HRT because they think they are more natural and because they are worried about health risks of HRT. NICE guidelines have used carefully weighed evidence-based evaluations of the effectiveness of alternative treatments compared with placebo (no treatment) and also with conventional forms of HRT

So many women I’ve  talked to see menopause as an ending.  I’ve discovered that this is your moment to reinvent yourself after years of focusing on the needs of everyone else.

Hot flushes? Insomnia? Low libido? Three hour long sessions to guide you through and help you to embrace the changes.